WKP Sports Book

Come and check out our WKP Sportsbook for live sports betting with great food and drinks and all the big game action.
The WKP Sportsbook features:
Massive 47’ wide, 9’ tall Planar 4K direct view LED video wall. Capable of showing 3 separate games side-by-side in 4k resolution or each section can be split into 4 separate 9.2’ diagonal sections so up to 12 separate games can be seen on the entire video wall at once.
3 Planar 98” 4K displays above the cashier stand to display betting odds\lines. Each display can be split to show up to four unique odds board video streams.
4 Live Betting Windows and a total of Eight (8) 24/7 Betting Kiosks in the sportsbook and on the casino floor.
Sportsbook Hours:
Betting Kiosks: 24/7
Monday - Friday: 10AM - Close
Saturday: 8AM - Close
Sunday: 9AM Close